Your Military Connection to the Black Hills

Exploring your new community starts here

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Welcome to the Black Hills

As a resource to both Air Force and National Guard servicemen and women, along with their families, the Wire is filled with information and resources to get plugged into area organizations, use available discounts, and meet other people in the area.

Connect with businesses and events throughout the Black Hills.

New events and information as community support for military members at Ellsworth Air Force Base and Camp Rapid grows.

Explore and Discover

South Dakota Ellsworth Development Authority is excited to bring you the Black Hills Wire – a comprehensive website for the local military community to connect with businesses and events throughout the Black Hills of western South Dakota.

News and Events

Black Hills Wire is a community connection between military members, their families, and veterans to local civilian life in western South Dakota. This website is your go-to for information and resources to make the most of your time in the Black Hills.
Mother’s Day: Black Hills Style

Mother’s Day: Black Hills Style

Mother’s Day is nearly here. This special Sunday is set aside each year to recognize and honor those special ladies in our lives who have given us everything. From changing our diapers to yelling at the assistant principal in middle school for us, if there’s one thing...

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The Liberty Center: Your New Favorite Place to Workout

The Liberty Center: Your New Favorite Place to Workout

The Liberty Center just opened in November. What is it? Why should you care? Why should you work out there? Here’s a breakdown of this new facility and why you need to be in the loop about it. What is the Liberty Center? The Liberty Center is one of the first...

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Stay Frosty this Winter with These Winter Driving Tips

Stay Frosty this Winter with These Winter Driving Tips

Driving in the snow and ice is just a part of living in the Black Hills. From steering into a skid to warming your car, we’ve got a list of some good things to remember about driving during a winter storm. So, here’s some pointers to keep you safe and warm until...

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